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Payment Methods Accepted
A $25 non-refundable deposit is required for all new client service appointments over $60. This deposit will go towards your appt as long as our cancellation policy is not violated. We ask that you please reschedule or cancel at least 1 day before the beginning of your appointment. Please know that our salon has a no children or guest policy. Please plan accordingly, as bringing children or guests will result in an appointment cancellation and require a $25 fee
A $25 non-refundable deposit is required for all new client service appointments over $60. This deposit will go towards your appt as long as our cancellation policy is not violated. We ask that you please reschedule or cancel at least 1 day before the beginning of your appointment. Please know that our salon has a no children or guest policy. Please plan accordingly, as bringing children or guests will result in an appointment cancellation and require a $25 fee
Secure checkout powered by Square
This deposit will go towards your appointment